Just close your eyes for a moment and remember the wedding you attended. What do you think about it?
We are sure that the things you’ll remember first are how was the location, how you ate, how the bride was dressed, if you received something in tribute or if you had fun.
So, these are the same things you’ll think about when you will organize your wedding. It is obvious that each one of us, in particular the future brides, has a dream, a precise idea of how we would like that day to be, but it is important to have clear ideas about what are the main ingredients for the success of a wedding event.
And the wedding planner, the person that organizes weddings, knows very well how it works and even more.
So who is this wedding planner? The wedding planner is a relatively new job, came all along from America about ten years ago that, other than being a valid and useful service, in the last years became a trend.
If you turn the TV on, or if you read newspapers and magazines, everything is about wedding, mise en place, bon ton and style. This is why, in spite of the economic crisis, couples – and in particular brides – want to dream and invest with more awarness in the most dreamed day of all.
The question can be spontaneous, but if women of today want romanticism and most of all in these years an attention towards money to spend which touches every social range, why ask for help to a wedding planner?
Relying on a professional person means to be sure of the final result, take advantage of the experience, of the good taste and the generated knowledge and, lastly, having the privilege to live fully the exciting and fun part of the preparation, without any stress and without taking care of the duties that are behind the organization of any kind of event. Moreover, putting a wp in charge – this is the short form of wedding planner – doesn’t necessarily mean to spend more, but to enjoy a range of privileges reachable only by those who are well introduced in that small world.
A WP accompanies the couple in every aspect of the organization, from the choice of the bonbonnière to that of the location, from the bridal dress to the guest accommodation, from the flower setting to the musical entertainment, from the wedding cake to the planning and management of the day of the event; all this without exceeding the budget and the proposed estimates.
But the TV programs and the glossy magazines tend to match this profession almost exclusively with the lighter and collateral aspects of the job, like the dress of the bride and the setting up – monumental wedding cakes, stunning floral compositions and wedding dresses from the most diverse styles – without considering with enough attention all the aspects of planning, managing, timing and attention to the budget that a wedding planner actually performs.
In the end, we like to think that a wedding planner is forever: what we do, in fact, is a wonderful job, that allows people to live at the most their big day, and in which I help them choose and take into consideration all a range of services and procurements while offering them the best price/quality ratio possible, lighting the couple and their families from all a series of obligations that necessarily imply a loss of time and a lot of stress and, most of all, being there and sharing, even if with discretion, a moment of big happiness an event that at the end of the day will stay in the bride and groom’s memories throughout theri lives.